This technique is a MUST KNOW when creating images for specific Windows Devices that includes the updated drivers right out of the box. The System Preparation Tool will reset the Operating System for an "Out-of-Box Experience" while keeping any drivers you previously installed.

Now that you have your test device updated and prepared to create an ISO, you want to make sure and run the SysPrep tool.
This procedure can be used for standard ISOs that you'll use via USB Stick, DVD, SCCM, or other imaging solutions that require an ISO.
On the device you will create an image from, open RegEdit
Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Sysprep\Settings\sppnp
Edit 'PersistAllDeviceInstalls' to a Value of '1'
Open File Explorer
Navigate to: C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep
Run ‘sysprep.exe’
'System Cleanup Action' should be set to ‘Enter System Out-ofBox Experience (OOBE)
Check the Generalize box
Select the Shutdown Option as Reboot or Shutdown depending on your needs
Select OK